Fast Thinkers. Cough.

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Sometimes you can see people’s thinking. The left barrier they identified for the problem somehow rests in their left hip. The right barrier rests in their right hip. Then the rest of their torso works to operate their mouth in an ever louder and more vehement fashion, repeating what they said ten times before to nourish their notion that some people were still too dumb or undisciplined to understand it, eliminating every other possibility of action of anybody, if necessary by shouting and threatening. In that particular moment, they feel like only their version of understanding of the universe may unfold, or armageddon.

The adrenaline rush of feeling control must be phenomenal. And afterwards we rationalize the physical exhaustion and hormone drop as having really done a ton of work.

The rationale of this behaviour is: “I’ve grasped one possible solution, and now this is the universe, no further thinking allowed because completely unneccesary if you just do what I tell you.”



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