WebVR Data Visualization with A-Frame - Performance?

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As some might have seen I’m playing around with #julialang. As I have an Oculus Rift, I just tried to do some visualization using WebVR with A-Frame. However, I’m a bit surprised by the performance. As a test, I’ve converted the a mandelbrot set simply putting out a grid of boxes that differ in height and height-corresponding color. Height is log2 of required computation steps.

This 50×50 grid really blasts the performance. 2500 objects x 6 faces appears to be too much. I wonder whether this can be done in any other way that performs better, because, to be honest, I’m somewhat surprised by the performance of rendering plain boxes. Like this I unfortunately can’t use it for the (rather simple) visualization purposes I wanted to use it for. As digital painting programs display tons of single spehers on the screen to render their strokes, there must be a way.

Here’s the html: mandelvr-sample.htm

And here’s a link to the julia code: mandelvr-sample.jl



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